How to drive traffic from facebook

  How to get 1000 visitors a day on new blog
 There are proven ways to get a lot of visitors a day on your new blog. Make sure your blog has minimum 15 to 20 post about 300 to 500 words. Add some relevant images between your post.
In every image use alt text. It will help to get a lot of visitors from search engine. If you are the good writer and your blog post is about 500 to 800 words. Do some keyword research and use targeted long tail keywords. It will also help to drive organic traffic from google.

How to drive 1000 visitors to a website from facebook.

Use a facebook account and join some groups. There are lots of facebook groups that have more than 100,000 members. Just post your blog URL on that groups. You will receive instant traffic from facebook. The best way to use facebook for drive traffic on your blog is to create a fan page. Once you publish a new blog post. Share it on facebook and also share it to facebook groups. It is an easiest and free way to drive traffic to your blog to get a lot of visitors.


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